



它是採用專利技術,萃取介於蛋殼和蛋清的那層薄膜,其中的成分有助於修復關節軟骨和結締組織。至今已有許多文獻指出,每天補充500毫克的NEM蛋殼膜萃取,不僅可以抗發炎、減輕關節疼痛,還能緩解關節僵硬、改善軟骨健康、7天內增強關節柔韌性,連續補充10天的效果更加明顯。[1]K,J,Ruff.,A,Winkler.,R,W,Jackson.,D,P,Devore.,B,W,Ritz.,2009.Eggshell membrane in the treatment of pain and stiffness from osteoarthritis of the knee: a … Continue reading[2]Rachel,B.,Dip,I.,2016. Glucosamine Sulphate v Natural Eggshell Membrane. NutriAdvanced,[online] 12 February. Available … Continue reading 根據加拿大最新的臨床證實,補充NEM蛋殼膜萃取,1天就可以改善關節疼痛,其同時也取得了官方功效性食品認證。






NEM蛋殼膜,萃取自蛋殼和蛋清間的那層薄膜,為蛋素成分,且不含鈉鹽,高血壓及腎臟疾病患者都可以安心食用。經人體的研究證實,NEM蛋殼膜4-10天就能改善近4成關節疼痛、僵硬,減輕疼痛指數更是葡萄糖胺6倍效果,且能維持超過30-60天。[3]Eggshell membrane: a possible new natural therapeutic for joint and connective tissue disorders. Results from two open-label human clinical studies[4]Eggshell membrane in the treatment of pain and stiffness from osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study[5]NEM® Brand Eggshell Membrane Effective in the Treatment of Pain and Stiffness Associated with Osteoarthritis of the Knee in an Italian Study Population



蛋殼膜(eggshell membrane)是這幾年新興的保健食品原料。蛋殼以往都被認為是食用後剩餘的餘料,但科學家這幾年發現,蛋殼膜富藏豐富的營養素,包含支鏈胺基酸、必需胺基酸、角蛋白、卵清蛋白(ovalbumin)、玻尿酸(hyaluronic acid)、硫酸軟骨素(chondroitin sulfate)與葡萄糖胺(glucosamine)等成分,在許多領域已經獲得科學上的突破性驗證,這幾年更是大幅被應用在各項保健產品上。

市面上採用蛋殼膜萃取的關節保健品有很多,其中又以美國專利NEM蛋殼膜得到最多科學佐證。它擁有4項國際關節專利及超過500篇的國際文獻證實功效,[6]Eggshell membrane: A possible new natural therapeutic for joint and connective tissue disorders. Results from two open-label human clinical studies以及德國6大醫學中心、美國亞利桑那大學醫學院等權威機構研究證實。[7]Danesch U, Seybold M, Rittinghausen R, Treibel W, Bitterlich N (2014) NEM® Brand Eggshell Membrane Effective in the Treatment of Pain Associated with Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis: Results from a Six … Continue reading其成分同時也通過歐洲聯盟機能認證及加拿大政府藥物管理局核准,能有效幫助關節潤滑、提高活動能力、維護關節健康,且無副作用。[8]Ruff KJ, Morrison D, Duncan SA, Back M, Aydogan C, Theodosakis J. Beneficial effects of natural eggshell membrane versus placebo in exercise-induced joint pain, stiffness, and cartilage turnover in … Continue reading


(延伸閱讀: 如何預防退化性關節炎?關節退化怎麼辦?能治好嗎?)

「自己的健康自己守護,擁有正確知識是第一步」 ​最後,感謝你撥冗閱讀《健康學堂》我們下堂課見~


1 K,J,Ruff.,A,Winkler.,R,W,Jackson.,D,P,Devore.,B,W,Ritz.,2009.Eggshell membrane in the treatment of pain and stiffness from osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized,multicenter,double-blind,placebo-controlled clinical study.Clinical Rheumatology,28(8),pp.907-914.
2 Rachel,B.,Dip,I.,2016. Glucosamine Sulphate v Natural Eggshell Membrane. NutriAdvanced,[online] 12 February. Available at:< https://www.nutriadvanced.co.uk/news/glucosamine-sulphate-v-natural-eggshell-membrane/>[ Accessed 18 January 2021].
3 Eggshell membrane: a possible new natural therapeutic for joint and connective tissue disorders. Results from two open-label human clinical studies
4 Eggshell membrane in the treatment of pain and stiffness from osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study
5 NEM® Brand Eggshell Membrane Effective in the Treatment of Pain and Stiffness Associated with Osteoarthritis of the Knee in an Italian Study Population
6 Eggshell membrane: A possible new natural therapeutic for joint and connective tissue disorders. Results from two open-label human clinical studies
7 Danesch U, Seybold M, Rittinghausen R, Treibel W, Bitterlich N (2014) NEM® Brand Eggshell Membrane Effective in the Treatment of Pain Associated with Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis: Results from a Six Center, Open Label German Clinical Study. J Arthritis 3: 136. doi:10.4172/2167-7921.1000136
8 Ruff KJ, Morrison D, Duncan SA, Back M, Aydogan C, Theodosakis J. Beneficial effects of natural eggshell membrane versus placebo in exercise-induced joint pain, stiffness, and cartilage turnover in healthy, postmenopausal women. Clin Interv Aging. 2018 Feb 19;13:285-295. doi: 10.2147/CIA.S153782. PMID: 29497287; PMCID: PMC5822842.