



瑪卡(Maca) 學名 Lepidium meyenii,又稱作「秘魯人蔘」,原生於4000公尺高海拔安第斯山脈上,因成長環境險峻,早晚溫差近30度,以至於其根部需吸收大量礦物質及微量元素,來確保自身生長。

研究指出:瑪卡具獨特瑪卡烯(Macaenes)、瑪卡醯胺(Macamides) ,食用後,能刺激人體下視丘(Hypothalamus)及腦下垂體(Pituitary glan) ,分泌荷爾蒙,提高勃起反應[1]Dording CM, Fisher L, Papakostas G, Farabaugh A, Sonawalla S, Fava M, Mischoulon D. A double-blind, randomized, pilot dose-finding study of maca root (L. meyenii) for the management of SSRI-induced … Continue reading及增加生育能力[2]Gonzales GF, Córdova A, Vega K, Chung A, Villena A, Góñez C. Effect of Lepidium meyenii (Maca), a root with aphrodisiac and fertility-enhancing properties, on serum reproductive hormone levels in … Continue reading。因此瑪卡亦被稱作「天然壯陽聖品」一直是名列前茅男性補給品!


如果你認為瑪卡只有壯陽這個功效,可就太小看它了!  瑪卡營養價值很高,光是根部就富含10.2%蛋白質、59%醣類、2.2%脂肪酸、20種胺基酸、7種礦物質、8種維生素以及多醣體(Polysaccharida)、牛磺酸、生物鹼(alkaloids)等等活性成分。


  1. 增加性慾、改善男性勃起障礙 [3]增加男女性慾、改善勃起障礙
  2. 提升精子品質,幫助男性生育力 [4]Alcalde AM, Rabasa J. Does Lepidium meyenii (Maca) improve seminal quality? Andrologia. 2020 Nov;52(10):e13755. doi: 10.1111/and.13755. Epub 2020 Jul 12. PMID: 32654242.
  3. 擁有良好的睡眠品質 
  4. 增強運動耐力及體能 [5]Yu FR, Yang B, Li ZP, Lian XZ, Xie MR, Li DL, Zhang SS. [Effects of the maca extract on the ultrastructures of mitochondria in the spinal nerve cell and exercise endurance]. Zhongguo Ying Yong Sheng … Continue reading
  5. 緩減更年期症狀、改善情緒焦慮 [6]Brooks NA, Wilcox G, Walker KZ, Ashton JF, Cox MB, Stojanovska L. Beneficial effects of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on psychological symptoms and measures of sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women … Continue reading
  6. 防止皮膚光老化、對抗自由基 [7]Gonzales-Castañeda C, Gonzales GF. Hypocotyls of Lepidium meyenii (maca), a plant of the Peruvian highlands, prevent ultraviolet A-, B-, and C-induced skin damage in rats. Photodermatol Photoimmunol … Continue reading










  • 抗氧化能力佳[8]Inoue N, Farfan C, Gonzales GF. Effect of butanolic fraction of yellow and black maca (Lepidium meyenii) on the sperm count of adult mice. Andrologia. 2016 Oct;48(8):915-21. doi: 10.1111/and.12679. … Continue reading
  • 味道溫和,價格便宜


  • 預防女性停經後骨質流失
  • 穩定情緒焦慮[9]Gonzales-Arimborgo C, Yupanqui I, Montero E, Alarcón-Yaquetto DE, Zevallos-Concha A, Caballero L, Gasco M, Zhao J, Khan IA, Gonzales GF. Acceptability, Safety, and Efficacy of Oral Administration of … Continue reading


  • 提高精液量與精子活力[10]Gonzales GF, Gonzales C, Gonzales-Castañeda C. Lepidium meyenii (Maca): a plant from the highlands of Peru–from tradition to science. Forsch Komplementmed. 2009 Dec;16(6):373-80. doi: … Continue reading
  • 增加運動體力與耐力
  • 降低及穩定血糖[11]Gonzales GF, Gonzales-Castañeda C, Gasco M. A mixture of extracts from Peruvian plants (black maca and yacon) improves sperm count and reduced glycemia in mice with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. … Continue reading





引述2009年男性學術期刊 [12]2400毫克實驗結果研究得出了以下結論:

  • 每天食用至少2400毫克以上瑪卡
  • 需持續補充 8 -12周,才有顯著效果



「自己的健康自己守護,擁有正確知識是第一步」 ​最後,感謝你撥冗閱讀《健康學堂》我們下堂課見~


1 Dording CM, Fisher L, Papakostas G, Farabaugh A, Sonawalla S, Fava M, Mischoulon D. A double-blind, randomized, pilot dose-finding study of maca root (L. meyenii) for the management of SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2008 Fall;14(3):182-91. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-5949.2008.00052.x. PMID: 18801111; PMCID: PMC6494062.
2 Gonzales GF, Córdova A, Vega K, Chung A, Villena A, Góñez C. Effect of Lepidium meyenii (Maca), a root with aphrodisiac and fertility-enhancing properties, on serum reproductive hormone levels in adult healthy men. J Endocrinol. 2003 Jan;176(1):163-8. doi: 10.1677/joe.0.1760163. PMID: 12525260.
3 增加男女性慾、改善勃起障礙
4 Alcalde AM, Rabasa J. Does Lepidium meyenii (Maca) improve seminal quality? Andrologia. 2020 Nov;52(10):e13755. doi: 10.1111/and.13755. Epub 2020 Jul 12. PMID: 32654242.
5 Yu FR, Yang B, Li ZP, Lian XZ, Xie MR, Li DL, Zhang SS. [Effects of the maca extract on the ultrastructures of mitochondria in the spinal nerve cell and exercise endurance]. Zhongguo Ying Yong Sheng Li Xue Za Zhi. 2017 Jun 8;33(6):535-538. Chinese. doi: 10.12047/j.cjap.5601.2017.127. PMID: 29931904.
6 Brooks NA, Wilcox G, Walker KZ, Ashton JF, Cox MB, Stojanovska L. Beneficial effects of Lepidium meyenii (Maca) on psychological symptoms and measures of sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women are not related to estrogen or androgen content. Menopause. 2008 Nov-Dec;15(6):1157-62. doi: 10.1097/gme.0b013e3181732953. PMID: 18784609.
7 Gonzales-Castañeda C, Gonzales GF. Hypocotyls of Lepidium meyenii (maca), a plant of the Peruvian highlands, prevent ultraviolet A-, B-, and C-induced skin damage in rats. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2008 Feb;24(1):24-31. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0781.2008.00330.x. PMID: 18201354.
8 Inoue N, Farfan C, Gonzales GF. Effect of butanolic fraction of yellow and black maca (Lepidium meyenii) on the sperm count of adult mice. Andrologia. 2016 Oct;48(8):915-21. doi: 10.1111/and.12679. PMID: 27681648.
9 Gonzales-Arimborgo C, Yupanqui I, Montero E, Alarcón-Yaquetto DE, Zevallos-Concha A, Caballero L, Gasco M, Zhao J, Khan IA, Gonzales GF. Acceptability, Safety, and Efficacy of Oral Administration of Extracts of Black or Red Maca (Lepidium meyenii) in Adult Human Subjects: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2016 Aug 18;9(3):49. doi: 10.3390/ph9030049. PMID: 27548190; PMCID: PMC5039502.
10 Gonzales GF, Gonzales C, Gonzales-Castañeda C. Lepidium meyenii (Maca): a plant from the highlands of Peru–from tradition to science. Forsch Komplementmed. 2009 Dec;16(6):373-80. doi: 10.1159/000264618. Epub 2009 Dec 16. PMID: 20090350.
11 Gonzales GF, Gonzales-Castañeda C, Gasco M. A mixture of extracts from Peruvian plants (black maca and yacon) improves sperm count and reduced glycemia in mice with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Toxicol Mech Methods. 2013 Sep;23(7):509-18. doi: 10.3109/15376516.2013.785656. Epub 2013 Apr 29. PMID: 23489070.
12 2400毫克實驗結果